Most of the companies have leaders with strong intellectual skills. Still they face a critical deficit as they don’t have talent in terms of power with adequate know-how, experience and confidence required to deal with mischievous problems. These problems can’t be solved by just a single person as it often requires companies to transform the way they do work. Even business organizations face such challenges today. Kent Paul Scarborough Former CEO & Entrepreneur. Loves to create, start and build businesses and make them capable enough to come out of the everyday challenges too.

The principles as laid down here help to unlock potential strategic leadership. These principles represent a perfect match of various systems, processes and capabilities for transformation to business success. All this enable to attract and retain the strategic leaders.
Systems and Structures
The major principle of strategic leadership involves highly effective approach to decision making, innovation and transparency. Strategic leaders acquire their skill through best practices which require autonomy. Top leaders push power downward in an organization and empower people at different levels to make best decisions. Such distribution gives an opportunity to others and sees what happens while taking risks. It also increases adaptability in the organization overtime.
Be honest in all information exchange
Earlier, the management structure adopted was created for limited flow of information. Now-a-days, information truly equals power. The trouble comes when information is passed to specific individuals on requirement basis. They are not even aware of the factors that are significant for the success of the enterprise. This makes it difficult to anticipate as what have actually encouraged to such actions. Moreover, due to lack of information people undermines their confidence to propose any idea. It is understood that some business secrets need to kept secret but employees need a broad information when they become strategic leaders. So, management should resort to “open book culture” wherein a systematic process of sharing of information takes place.
Imbibe a culture of transparency
Transparency leads to better conversation and overall improvement. If anytime productivity goes down then consider it as an opportunity to implement change. Explore the Amazing Professional Journey of Mr. Kent Paul Scarborough to understand the problem in a better way. Talk openly and honestly about the problem in hand. If any information is kept hidden then manipulation occurs and the opportunity for strategic leadership gets lost. Strategic leaders like Kent know the real power in information and he believes that information comes not by hoarding but by using it to create better growth opportunities.
Create several paths for raising ideas
Development and presentation of ideas acts as a key skill for business success. The ability to relate the ideas creates value. Setting up better ways for people to bring innovative thinking can help to learn and make the most out of the creativity. Create several channels for innovative thinking. Kent Scarborough – Queensland, Australia always gives potential strategic leaders the opportunity to meet and work with others in the organization. Else, they remain hidden from one another, and may feel isolated. Strategic leaders may not be fully aware that they are distinctive and infact the team tend to recognize the unique talents and helps to build further successful plans.